Blue Waffles Disease

You may or may not have heard this term ‘Blue Waffles’, and if you have heard about it, you are probably wondering what it is. In recent times, the internet has been crowded with information that talks about blue waffle disease. People are now asking whether it’s a real disease or just another fallacy.

Sources talking about it say that it’s a disease that attacks both men and women but is more prevalent in women, again this information has not been confirmed by medical practitioners or researchers. The internet is known for providing misleading information.(1) That said, let’s look at what all that about blue waffles disease and is it real or not.

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What is Blue Waffles Disease?

When you talk of blue waffles disease, it’s a phrase used to explain an infection of the vagina that involves swelling and discoloration of the reproductive organ. The disease has been said to cause a bluish staining on the infected vaginal tissue. Sources that explain more about the disease say that it’s sexually transmitted and causes the labia to appear bluish and smelly.

The disease causes a burning sensation among the infected persons. The symptoms and signs of the disease look like those of vaginitis and it may at times result from vaginitis that remains untreated for a long time.(2)

Again, information on the internet say this disease is caused by bacteria. The term ‘blue waffles’ comes from the discoloration that appears bluish when the vagina is infected. The word ‘waffle’ is meant to refer to vaginal organ. The disease first appeared on the internet in 2007, but the name it has been given isn’t an appropriate medical term.

The word ‘waffles’ seems to be a slang term that is used to talk about women’s vagina. Just like vaginitis, the claimed disease is kind of an infection of the vagina that leads to vaginal soreness and blue discoloration. The disorder is also regarded as an STD or sexually transmitted disease affecting both women and men.

Dr. Elizabeth Boskey has said that an image that appeared in 2010 may have sent people in shock. The image showing a gentian violet-stained vagina having a yeast infection was spread throughout the website referred to as Documenting Reality making a Trenton, New Jersey council woman to believe it was true. However, it turned out that it was just another hoax.(1)

The disease is not only disgusting but also dangerous. It’s not a condition you can treat at home and you need to see a doctor should you have symptoms that resemble those of the disease. This disorder can lead to immense pain and discomfort making you unable to function normally. The disease starts as some slight discomfort that quickly transitions into inching and burning.

Causes of Blue Waffles Disease

Basic science explains the cause of blue waffles, that’s, if you don’t protect yourself when having sexual intercourse, you will get infected or spread the disease to other people. Remember that there is no scientific information supporting those claims. The disease is thought to be caused by a bacteria- it’s believed that a mutation of some other type of bacteria that are culprit of sexually transmitted diseases is the primary cause of the disease.

Bacterial mutation may occur because of resistance to treatments or medications of STDs. It’s a theory that does not have prove at the moment and only until we see concrete medical research that supports all this information should people accept all that is being talked about. The bacterium is thought to have mutated and developed and is now being transmitted from one individual to another or from an object like a sex toy to an individual in an intercourse. This leaves many people worried of their health and how they can protect themselves from the disease.

Women and Blue Waffles Disease

The disease is prevalent in women and the reason it seems to affect them is because the causal agents can live and thrive abundantly in the vaginal area. When you have unprotected sex, you could easily be infected with the disease, and it’s not one that people want to be diagnosed with, reason being, it appears to be very difficult to get rid of it in addition to the pain and discomfort it can cause.

When you develop the disease, as a woman, the first thing you have is a hurting vagina. You also begin to experience itching of the vagina and there follows the burning sensation. The vagina develops red, raised bumps appearing purple to bluish. There is inflammation of the vagina that makes the area to be very painful and hurting. A foul smell will begin to come out of the vagina, and these symptoms are not going to go away on their own.(3) 

Signs and Symptoms

The inherent sign of the disease is the bluish appearance of the genital area – hence the name of the disease. The symptoms include itchiness occurring in and around the genital area. A change in color occurs that appears purplish to blue. During the later stages, the infection causes the genital area to have intense blue color or purple color. An individual will have severe pain that is talked about as unbearable or beyond tolerable.

Blue waffles diseases could spread to other parts like the anus, something that makes it to be very painful. An individual having the disease may have problems with urinating and bowel movement. They also experience pain when doing sexual intercourse. There is unpleasant odor with white discharge on the vagina.

Other symptoms include:

Abdominal filling: An individual who has the disease will experience intense swelling within the pelvic and vulva areas. A person will therefore feel as though their abdominal is full along with vaginal and rectal fullness. A woman may have severe swelling that makes her vagina to be inflamed and tense. In severe cases, tumors may form in the affected area. (4)

Dry vaginal skin: A person will have dry skin around their vulva because of insufficient lubrication that occurs due to effects on the Bartholin’s gland found around the opening of the vagina.

Limited motion: The pain an individual experiences along with swelling makes them to have limited movements of lower extremities as well as the hips.

A person may also experience generalized symptoms such as:
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Change in menstrual cycle
  • Depress
  • Problems with sleep because of extreme pain
  • Infertility
  • Loss of menstruation
  • Low self esteem

Some people may have an increased risk of being infected with the disease than others for example, you may get the disease if;

  • You indulge in oral sex
  • Do not practice good hygiene, especially after having sex
  • You change sexual partners more often as witnessed with prostitutes
  • You indulge in unprotected sex
  • Your wear tight clothes
  • You use unclean sex toys
  • You have multiple sex partners at the same time
  • Use deodorants and hygiene sprays on your genital area. (3)

Other possible causes include:

Weakened immune system: People who have weak immune system are likely to be infected with bacterial infections. The vagina is known to have a local immune system responsible for fighting disease-causing microbes such as bacteria and fungi or yeast. Having STDs can disrupt the localized immune system causing a disease to develop and progress.

When the vaginal microflora is weakened or imbalanced, it can lead to bad bacteria dominating the area leading to an increased risk of having STDs and other diseases.

Unbalanced diet: There may be changes in the immune system of the vaginal area when a person has improper diet. The pH of the vagina lies somewhere between 3.5 and 4.5, so when there are fluctuations in these levels, it can result in loss of the immune system.

Again, when an individual does not have the vitamins and minerals needed for a health immune system, they are susceptible to getting diseases including blue waffles disease. Lack of sleep and taking excess alcohol can also contribute to a weaker immune system and increased likelihood of having bacterial infections.

Mental stress: Having more stress can impair the immune system. You may also make unhealthy decisions when you have mental stress such as indulging in unprotected sex or having multiple sex partners, things that increase the chances of getting STDs and other diseases.

Diagnosis of Blue Waffles Disease

A doctor may conduct a physical exam to check the vaginal area and the pelvic. The appearance of the vagina including the blue discoloration, swelling, and inflammation may help diagnose a patient of the disease.

Pelvic exam: Examination of the pelvic helps look into organs like the inner vagina and cervix to see how the disease has spread.

A doctor may order for checkup of pap smear or the vaginal smear to see the kind of microbes present which may be causing the disease. This also helps in identifying the right treatment of the disease.

Blue Waffles Disease Pictures and Images

blue waffles disease female

blue waffles disease images

blue waffles disease pictures

blue waffles pics male images

Treatment of Blue Waffles Disease

Depending on the cause of the disease and symptoms, a doctor may prescribe various treatment options:

Antibiotic therapy: If it’s confirmed that a bacterial infection is the culprit in causing the disease, a patient may be prescribed antibiotics. The common antibiotics used to treat blue waffles disease are such as penicillin and doxycycline. Patients are required to take the whole course of the antibiotic to prevent drug resistance and worsening of the condition and symptoms. (4)

Antifungal medications: When a patient suffers subsequent yeast infections, they may need to use antifungal creams or even oral preparations. Having a sore vagina along with discharge can attract yeast growth resulting in secondary fungal infection.

Proper perineal hygiene: A person should keep their vulva area clean and dry. Having moisture in the area increases growth of microorganisms, so perineal care is important. A patient needs to use mild cleansers containing lactic acid to promote the normal vaginal acidity and avoid further infections.

Wearing loose undergarments: This allows efficient circulation of air to prevent sweating and irritation of vulva. You may want to choose wearing underwears that absorb discharge, for instance, those made of cotton material.

Blue Waffles Disease – Real or Myth?

An interesting thing about the internet is that it can actually shadow the reality and sometimes mislead people. You have heard of the Slender Man controversy, and even after someone said they did make the monster that was named Slender Man, it’s surprising that kids could think it’s real. Blue waffles disease may just be another kind of the Slender Man stories.(5)  

The Belief: The appearance of blue waffles disease wasn’t the first one of the Internet-born phenomenons that have caught people in imaginations and disbelief. It’s something that young and adults could panic about, creating a lot of fear. You could see young people at home and in school going to adults so that they get clarification about the reality of the disease.

Surprisingly, not many adults, teachers, or even medical professionals knew something about it, not even today. For instance, an adult who was a council woman from New Jersey bearing the name Kathy McBride took to the internet after garnering media attention after she said in a council meeting that she thought the disease was real.(5)

Kathy’s Speech: McBride’s speech not only believed blue waffles disease was real, but she also went further to take the issue to their city council’s meeting. In the meeting, McBride said that the disease needed to get attention from the city’s council stating that it had claimed 85 lives 5 and that there was a reported case in Trenton. McBride further said that it’s a virus that was 10 times greater at that time compared to the AIDS virus.

Parental advice: The director of education from Southeast U.S. Planned Parenthood, Katherine George explained to Fusion that teenagers are getting the idea that this disease is real. Based in Atlanta, Geogia, Katherine said that she was seeing young people coming to her seeking information on how they can avoid getting the disease.

What OBGYNs say: A number of OBGYNs were surveyed by Fusion and they reported to have not heard of this disease. Many women had known the truth by the time they talked to an OBGYN expert.

It’s origin: Blue waffles disease started from just an image. A website known as Documenting Reality first showed the image of a deformed vagina having a bluish hue. What actually the image shows is what is known as a gentian violet stained vagina yeast infection, according to Dr. Elizabeth Boskey who is as Ph.D. and sexual health expert. The gentian violet can be found in Amazon and other stores and it’s said to leave behind a bluish stain that tends to be difficult to remove.

Blue Waffles Disease- It’s all Fake!

The blue waffle myth seems to have come from the internet on a website named Documenting Reality. Many of the pictures you see are very bad, and you don’t want to look at them. These images and the information that claim to provide documentation for the disorder started appearing on the internet together with memes.

Peter Serrano of New York’s Planned Parenthood said to Fusion that the appearance of the disease was just like the Blair Witch Project. It appeared on many websites making people think it’s something real. Many authority medical sites however said that it was all fake.

Amy Whitaker who is an OBGYN doctor as well as an assistant professor from the University of Chicago Hospital offered views regarding blue waffles disease to the Women’s Health Foundation. Whitaker said that there is nothing as blue waffles disease, you will not find it in the medical world. Whitaker said there isn’t any disease known to cause a bluish appearance on a person’s external genitalia.(5)
